Stone Walls

Here we have the rise for the top step complete. We will put a few more stones along the side and then cap it with a bluestone pattern stock.

This project we transformed the entire front yard. We built two curved stone walls by the driveway. A front walkway out of Unilock pavers and the entire front planting.

This was a set of concrete steps before we got there. We veneered culture stone to them and then capped it with granite stair treads and pattern stock for the landing.

Here we have the rise for the top step complete. We will put a few more stones along the side and then cap it with a bluestone pattern stock.

These Natural stone steps that are capped with bluestone treads and bluestone pattern stock for the landing are on a front entrance way in Uxbridge.

Here is one of the stonewalls in the front yard makeover. Its 18" height makes it a great place to wait for the bus.

Here's a retaining wall built out of natural stone with bluestone stair treads. Mom loves to sit on the bench toped with a bluestone tread built into the wall.

These Natural stone steps that are capped with bluestone treads and bluestone pattern stock for the landing are on a front entrance way in Uxbridge.